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Inspiratio - Imitari
Multimedia group show

As the last part of my art cycle, about the limits between inspiration and imitation; I exhibited 16 artist including Matous Hasa, Siegfried Herz, and Alphonse Mucha that produced art works based on three original lithography of Mucha. The original and the work of the artist were all exhibited together. 

Where: gallery 35 - Institut francais de Prague

When: 20.05.2023. - 08.06.2023.

Insight the inspiration
Tadeas Kotrba

As the first part of my art cycle, the limits between inspiration and imitation; I exhibited the artist Tadeas Kotrba with the work of his main inspiration, his father Marius Kotrba.

Where: Reunion gallery Prague.

When: 01.02.2023. - 22.02.2023.

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